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Admiral Nurse privacy notice

    At Dementia UK, we are committed to keeping your personal information safe. This is our privacy notice, in which we tell you honestly how we use and look after your personal information. We will tell you what information we collect about you; how we use this data; with whom we share it; and how we store it and keep it safe.

    This privacy notice is for all Admiral Nurses. If you are employed directly by Dementia UK we recommend you also read our Staff privacy notice. If you are employed by another organisation we also recommend you read that organisation’s privacy notice.

    We last updated this privacy notice in August 2024. For Dementia UK’s full privacy notice, please visit


    When you apply to be an Admiral Nurse, we collect information as part of the recruitment process. If you are applying directly to Dementia UK, you can read our ‘For job applicants’ section of our privacy notice for more information about how your data is processed during recruitment.

    Dementia UK also work in collaboration with organisations who host Admiral Nurses. If you are applying to be one of our hosted Admiral Nurses, the recruitment process will be run by your host organisation which will share your application and CV, plus any reasonable adjustments requested for interview with Dementia UK’s Business Development Team.

    Members of our clinical services directorate often take part in shortlisting applications and interview panels and make interview notes which are sent to the host organisation employer after the interview. Dementia UK and the host organisation will select the successful candidate together.

    Admiral Nurse contact and services registers

    Once you start working as an Admiral Nurse, we add you to our Admiral Nurse contacts register and Admiral Nurse service register which can be accessed by all staff at Dementia UK on our SharePoint site. We hold the following details on the registers:

    • full name
    • role type
    • band
    • start date
    • nurse branch
    • date Admiral Nurse induction completed
    • area and region covered
    • host organisation
    • Admiral Nurse service
    • professional email address
    • mobile contact number
    • work address

    When you leave your role as an Admiral Nurse we will remove your details from the Admiral Nurse register within 4 weeks.

    Learning, support and development

    To support you in your Admiral Nurse role, whatever your band, you are enrolled in our Admiral Nurse academy pathway, supported by the online learning platform Blackboard. Personal data held on Blackboard includes:

    • full name
    • professional email address
    • courses in progress and completed

    As part of the Admiral Nurse academy pathway, you will also be part of a Practice Action Learning Set (PALS) which is an opportunity to receive monthly clinical supervision, share clinical issues and explore best practice. The content of meeting notes will be anonymous and sent to all group participants. Your attendance will be recorded.

    If you work within a host organisation, you may take part in the Accelerated Learning Programme. Our Academy Team at Dementia UK will record the name and contact details (including postal address and contact number so that we can arrange to deliver resources) of those who take part in the programme. You will be asked to complete learning portfolios and a development plan with learning outcomes and reflections on practice.

    It may be necessary from time to time to share relevant information pertaining to your progress/engagement or participation in your continuous professional development with your line manager or employer.

    We will share your name, role, and professional email address with our network of Admiral Nurses to enable you to communicate and collaborate with others performing similar roles.

    If you are a Band 7 Admiral Nurse and setting up a new service at a host organisation, you will receive further support in the form of supervision meetings with a Dementia UK mentor throughout the first six months of your role. Your attendance at these meetings will be logged and notes of the meeting will be recorded. Meeting notes will include information such as progress in your Admiral Nurse role and in service set-up; advice shared by your mentor; learning gaps; and actions for you to take forward.

    Throughout your time as an Admiral Nurse employed at any band within a host organisation, your service will be supported by members of the Business Development Team. Members of the team will have access to your professional email address and contact number and have regular service steering groups which you will participate in. Meeting notes of these steering groups will be recorded and stored by the Business Development Team. Members of the Business Development Team will be advised by host organisations of any sickness, performance management issues, potential reputational risks and results of probation periods. It is your employer’s responsibility to decide what information is appropriate and proportionate to share with Dementia UK. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact your employer.

    Email contact

    From time to time, you may receive email enquiries directly from Dementia UK staff members that relate to your geographical area or hosted service.

    Dementia UK may also use your name and professional email address to communicate with you about learning opportunities and to send you any information relevant to your professional development as an Admiral Nurse. We may use your professional email address to contact you about your service for operational, evaluation or publicity purposes.

    Emails may be sent from Outlook or our email management system DotDigital. As an Admiral Nurse, we will only send you communications related to your role, unless you have specifically and separately opted in to receive Dementia UK marketing emails.

    Feedback and incidents

    If we are made aware of any feedback, compliments, complaints, data breaches, misconduct or safeguarding incidents we will record details of these, including your name and host organisation. If you work for a host organisation all investigations will be conducted by your employer, which will advise Dementia UK of the outcome.

    Admiral Nurse census and evaluation

    Dementia UK conducts censuses of Admiral Nurses. Participation is encouraged but not mandatory. These censuses record details of each Admiral Nurse’s day, such as number of appointments, contacts and families supported. You will be asked information about your band, how long you have been a registered nurse, your qualifications, gender, ethnicity, and personal caring responsibilities. The aim of the census is to provide a snapshot of the nurses making up our Admiral Nurse community.

    Dementia UK also conducts evaluations of hosted services. The Insights and Evaluation Team helps Dementia UK to continually build the evidence base for Admiral Nursing by collecting and sharing evidence on the effectiveness of the Admiral Nursing model. ​ ​

    The Insights and Evaluation Team can work with Admiral Nurses to advise on an approach to monitoring and evaluation for their service. The Insights and Evaluation Team may contact you via email and work with you to create case studies, and develop and implement an evaluation plan for your service.

    Photos, videos and case studies

    Dementia UK’s Marketing and Communications Team may, with your consent, work with you to produce marketing materials for the promotion of Admiral Nurses and services. These could include photographs, films, and voice recordings to help tell a story. We may also use videos and photographs of you in your role in reports or publications. All photos may be used online or in printed materials. Dementia UK maintains a catalogue of photos and videos. You can withdraw consent to be featured in these ways at any time if you change your mind.

    Changing your details

    It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and

    current. Please keep us informed if your personal information (such as name, working hours or contact details) changes during your working relationship with us.

    If you work for a host organisation, your employer may inform Dementia UK of changes to your name, working hours or contact details.

    When our Business Development Team are informed of a change in details, a member of the team will complete an internal form which will prompt an update to the Admiral Nurse contacts register.

    Leaving process

    If you are employed directly by Dementia UK, you will follow Dementia UK’s leaving process.

    If you are employed by a host organisation, Dementia UK complete an online form with your name, leaving date, reason for leaving and future employment details if known when notified of your leaving date. The purpose of this form is to instruct the Admiral Nurse Academy Team to remove your access to Blackboard, remove your name and professional email address from the email distribution list and remove your details from our register of Admiral Nurses.

    We will retain your professional development data for three years after you leave your post; it will then be securely deleted from all our systems. We will retain a basic record of your name, contact details, the fact that you were an Admiral Nurse and the dates of your position for seven years.

    Dementia UK commits to complying with UK data protection law. This states that the personal information we hold about you must be:

    • used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way
    • collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes
    • relevant to the purposes we have told you about and limited only to those purposes
    • accurate and kept up to date
    • kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about
    • stored securely

    Under UK data protection law, we must have what is known as a ‘legal basis’ for collecting and using your information. There are six legal bases, sometimes known as ‘lawful bases’:

    • consent (your permission)
    • performance of a contract
    • legitimate interest
    • vital interest (to save a life)
    • legal requirement
    • public interest

    In order that Dementia UK can meet its objective of providing ongoing professional and practice development to Admiral Nurses, it is necessary for us to process some of your personal data.

    The legal basis for processing in this instance is ‘legitimate interests’ – this means we have concluded that it is necessary for us to process your data in order for us to meet our obligations to our hosts, your employer and your ongoing development as an Admiral Nurse, and that this does not unduly impact your rights.

    We will share your personal information with third parties where required by law, where it is necessary to administer the working relationship with you, or where we have another legitimate interest in doing so. We will not sell your personal information.

    We require third parties to respect the security of your data and to treat it in accordance with the law and in line with our policies.

    We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes. We only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

    We try to keep your personal information within the UK. Sometimes, we may need to move your personal information outside the UK if one of the organisations that works for us is based outside the UK.

    When this happens, we make sure that your personal information is safe and that the organisation that works for us is obeying UK data protection law, even if it is based outside the UK.

    As a data subject, under UK GDPR (data protection law) you have the right to:

    • Access: you have the right to ask for copies of all information we have about you
    • Rectification: you have the right to ask us to correct personal information you think is wrong. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete
    • Erasure: you have the right to ask us to delete your personal information
    • Restriction of processing: you have the right to ask us to limit the processing of your personal information
    • Objection to processing: you have the right to say no to the processing of your personal information
    • Data portability: you have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you
    • Withdraw consent: if Dementia UK has asked your consent to use your data for a particular reason, you have the right to take back that consent so that Dementia UK cannot use your data like that in the future. However, if you choose to withdraw your consent this will not change anything that Dementia UK has used your data for in the past with your consent

    You can choose to use any of these rights for free by contacting us at or writing to us at our postal address below (‘Who can I talk to about the processing of my data?’) with your request.

    Dementia UK has one calendar month to respond to you from the time we receive your request. Dementia UK does not have to agree to your request, but if we do not agree we have to tell you why.

    Dementia UK is the data controller of personal information we collect. Dementia UK is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a data controller under reference Z1250036.

    For any queries, concerns, or complaints you may have about how Dementia UK collects, uses or stores your personal information, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at

    Or you can write to:

    Data Protection Officer
    Dementia UK
    7th Floor
    One Aldgate
    EC3N 1RE

    If Dementia UK cannot resolve your complaint, you can also make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO: the UK supervisory authority for data protection) if you are unhappy with how we have used your data:

    Information Commissioner’s Office
    Wycliffe House
    Water Lane
    SK9 5AF

    ICO helpline number: 0303 123 1113
    ICO website: