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Talking to your MP

    Engaging with your MP can be a great way to make your voice heard and push for improvements in Government policy or local services. For example, you may wish to ask your MP to support you in calling for better dementia care in your area.

    Contacting your MP

    You can contact your MP:

    • by email, phone or letter: find their details
    • via social media – but be aware that not all MPs respond to social media contact
    • by booking a face-to-face appointment with their regular ‘constituency surgery’
    • using the template form

    Please include your home address in all correspondence so the MP’s office can verify that you live in their constituency. If you put your correspondence in writing, phone the MP’s office a few days later to ensure it has been received and prioritised.

    Making the most of speaking to your MP

    • Do your research. What has your MP said or voted for before on this issue that suggests they might be willing to help? You can find lots of information about them the Parliament website or visit TheyWorkforYou to see their voting record
    • Prepare what you want to say. For Dementia UK campaigns, we can provide you with key messages and facts about the issues we’d like MPs to understand
    • Be authentic. Why does this issue matter to you and others in your area? How would the solution you’re proposing improve things?
    • Think long-term. If possible, try to make this the starting point of an ongoing relationship, as you’re likely to want to speak to your MP again
    • Keep it brief. Try to keep your messages short and to the point. Be clear what you want from your MP and why they should support you
    • Ask questions. It’s important to check your MP has understood what you’ve said and ask what they will now do
    • Follow up. Put details of what you and your MP agreed in writing, and then follow up later to check on progress

    Good luck with your conversations – please do get in touch if you would like any further advice on speaking to your MP. Email us at

    Our guide on talking to your MP

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