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Admiral Nurses in primary care

Enhanced nurses such as Admiral Nurses can now be funded through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS)

    The introduction of enhanced nurses in primary care as part of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) offers an exciting opportunity to fund dementia specialist Admiral Nurses in primary care networks (PCNs). 

    Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses who provide vital support to people living with dementia and their family carers. They are employed across health and social care settings in collaboration with Dementia UK, which provides ongoing practice and professional development through our Admiral Nurse Academy.  

    Admiral Nurses support families across the whole dementia pathway, from pre-diagnosis to post-bereavement support. They work as part of a multi-disciplinary team within the PCN. 

    ABC model

    In addition to direct case management of families, Admiral Nurses use their extensive dementia knowledge to support best practice of other health and social care professionals, allowing a system-wide approach to improving dementia care across a PCN or group of PCNs.

    What carers say about the role of Admiral Nursing in the PCN

    Out of 103 carers who received support from an Admiral Nurse working in a primary care hosted service: 
    • 76 %

      said having access to an Admiral Nurse improved the coordination of support from other health and social care professionals

    • 35 %

      said it reduced the number of GP appointments that the person with dementia attends

    • 32 %

      said it reduced the number of GP appointments they attend for their own needs

    • 31 %

      said it delayed the person with dementia moving into a care or nursing home

    What professionals say about the role of Admiral Nursing in primary care

    "Having an Admiral Nurse working in the PCN has really helped to improve our practice’s service to patients and families dealing with dementia. There has been really positive feedback from families involved and the service has been invaluable. We have seen far fewer crisis contacts from families since this service was introduced."

    - GP

    Register your interest for a new Admiral Nurse Service within Primary Care Networks

    • This enquiry form is for organisations interested in collaborating with Dementia UK to establish a new Admiral Nurse Service within Primary Care Networks.
    • To progress applications, it is important to identify residual funds, including ARRS allocation, and have sustainable funding plans in advance.Dementia UK will enter into an agreement with host employers for a minimum term of two years.All enquiries will be followed up by a Regional Development Lead, to further determine the required/optimal service provision.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.