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Children drawing

Enter our exhibition to show how dementia impacts children

We know dementia doesn’t just impact the person with the diagnosis – everyone around them, from family members to friends, is affected in some way. 

Changes in behaviour or relationships can be especially hard for children or grandchildren to deal with.  

In 2024, we will be launching our largest ever awareness campaign, and as part of this we want to shine a light on how dementia impacts children in order to help more families to access the vital support of our specialist dementia Admiral Nurses. 

To help do this, we’re inviting children to share their own experiences of dementia in drawings, paintings and pictures which express how dementia affects them. Dementia UK will exhibit these pictures in a public space, on our social media channels and in press alongside new research and resources created by our Admiral Nurses, as part of our biggest ever advertising campaign.  

How to take part   

To take part, all children need to do is draw a picture which represents their experience of dementia before midnight on 7th January 2024.   

Please send a scan or clear photo of your picture with the child’s name and age to, along with a short description or caption of the picture. Please keep hold of the hard copy of the picture too. 

All artistic styles are welcome, and we encourage you to use bold colours and draw on A4 sized paper or above.  

A number of pictures will be selected for a public exhibition in Spring 2024. Each entry will be considered for this and selected by a panel from Dementia UK, and we will exhibit as many pictures as we can.  

Every child that participates will be awarded with a digital certificate from Dementia UK, and we will share as many pictures as possible on our social media.  

  • This activity is open to all children under the age of 16 residing in the United Kingdom  
  • By submitting a drawing and accompanying information, participants and their guardians are agreeing to these terms and conditions 
  • Submissions should only include one drawing per child 
  • By submitting a drawing and accompanying information, you are confirming you are happy for Dementia UK to share the image and accompanying information on our social media channels, website and other promotional materials 
  • All pictures submitted before midnight on 7th January 2024 will be considered for our public exhibition 
  • By submitting an entry, participants grant Dementia UK a non-exclusive, royalty-free worldwide license to use, reproduce and display the submitted drawing for promotional and exhibition purposes 
  • The submitted drawings must be original works created by the named participating child, and no third-party right should be infringed 
  • Entries chosen for our public exhibition will be selected by a panel of Dementia UK employees and Admiral Nurses who will take creativity, originality and relevance into account 
  • The submissions selected for the public exhibition will be chosen before the end of January 2024, with entries notified by this date    
  • Entrants whose drawing are chosen for the public exhibition will be contacted in advance of this activity by Dementia UK  
  • Guardians and entrants with artwork chosen for the exhibition may be requested to participate in any reasonable publicity to support the exhibition and shall not receive payment for such publicity. Guardians and entrants may opt-out of publicity 
  • The time, date and location for our public exhibition are not yet determined and are liable to change 
  • Dementia UK will collect and process personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy  
  • Dementia UK reserves the right to disqualify any entry deemed inappropriate, explicit or unsuitable  
  • Participants have the right to withdraw their submission from all future planned or unplanned activity. To do so please email  
  • Dementia UK reserves the right to cancel or amend the planned activity at its discretion. In the event of cancellation no compensation will be offered to participants