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Amy's story: "I am already planning my next Facebook fundraiser to do a wing walk next year!"

Amy Barron talks us through organising a Facebook Fundraiser to raise funds for Dementia UK and support more families facing dementia.

A tandem skydive duo smile as they fall through the sky

I decided to support Dementia UK because my grandad was diagnosed with dementia. It was so difficult to watch him deteriorate and lose himself. He slowly started to forget who everyone was, and he went back in years remembering things from his past, until he no longer remembered who he was, how to eat, how to walk. All of the simple things we take for granted. He turned 90 on the 16th August 2020 and he did not even know what day it was. I watched my gran take care of him until he was no longer able to use his legs and ended up in a home.

I had booked a skydive for my 30th birthday this summer, and thought it would be a great opportunity to try and raise money to support this fantastic cause by setting up a Facebook fundraiser. I found it really easy to set up my fundraising page and it made it so simple for all of my friends, family and contacts to donate directly to the charity. I promoted my fundraising page by simply sharing it every day and adding posts to encourage donations. I also put a few posters up at work and explained to my colleagues why I was doing it. In total I raised £1,100, which I was so pleased about.

Everyone who saw my Facebook fundraising page responded positively. I think dementia is more common than I had realised, as when I set up the page up a lot of people got in touch to tell me about their experiences with family members and friends who are living with dementia. That meant people were happy to donate and support the cause, because they have gone through it or know someone who has.

If anyone is thinking about trying to raise money for this great cause by holding a Facebook fundraiser, I would say do it! Dementia UK is doing amazing work providing practical and emotional support to people living with dementia and their families through their dementia specialist nurse services and the Helpline. Dementia is becoming more and more common and affecting more people every day, so they really need our support to keep helping everyone who needs it. I am already planning my next Facebook fundraiser to do a wing walk next year!