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people running a marathon and cheering as they reach the finish line

London Landmarks Half Marathon

An exceptional twist on the classic half marathon – join #TeamDementiaUK at the extraordinary London Landmarks Half Marathon, the only closed road race through central London!

  • Date: 6th April 2025
  • Location: London, UK
  • Distance: Half-marathon
  • Registration fee: £30
  • Fundraising target: £350
I need a charity place I have a ballot place

The London Landmarks Half Marathon is a closed road, central London run and is the only half marathon to go through both the City of London and City of Westminster. Take on this amazing course through central London for Dementia UK and help families facing dementia.

Run with us and help raise vital funds so our dementia specialist Admiral Nurses can provide life-changing support to families facing dementia. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

The London Landmarks Half Marathon begins at Pall Mall and finishes at Downing Street. Whilst running the London Landmarks you will pass some of the capital’s best-known sites, including Big Ben, Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square, the Royal Courts of Justice, St Paul’s Cathedral and many more.

London Landmarks is not your average half marathon. From cultural landmarks and heritage to the city’s quirky and hidden secrets, runners get to explore the capital on a route like no other.

Not only that, but the London Landmarks route is also lined with DJs, dancers, musicians and themed cheer stations to support you every step of the way. It’s a truly unique half marathon experience!

  • a dedicated Events Manager to support you to the London Landmarks finish line
  • training plans and support to get you race-ready
  • a fundraising guide, as well as fundraising advice, hints and tips
  • an exclusive Dementia UK running vest
  • a range of Dementia UK fundraising materials (collection buckets, posters, balloons, etc) to make any events you hold look amazing
  • support from the team on race day

Every penny you raise will help our dementia specialist Admiral Nurses provide a lifeline to more families facing dementia – and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Fundraising ideas

Organising fundraising activities alongside your main challenge will help you smash your goal. Here are some ideas:

  • host a quiz
  • arrange a raffle
  • hold a sweepstake on how long your challenge will take, or how many steps you’ll cover
  • organise a bake sale at home, at work or in your community
  • create a sponsored playlist, where supporters donate to add their choice of song to your race soundtrack

Your fundraising welcome pack

Once you’ve signed up, we’ll send you a fundraising welcome pack that’s full of advice on how to meet – and beat – your target.


Setting up a JustGiving page is a great way to fundraise online. Share your link with family, friends and colleagues, and watch the donations roll in.

You can use JustGiving to explain why you’re taking on your challenge for Dementia UK, keep track of how much you’ve raised, and even share your training progress using Strava so your supporters can see how well you’re doing.

The more you update and share your JustGiving page, the more donations you’ll receive.

Gift Aid  

If your supporters are UK taxpayers and their donation is voluntary (not proceeds of a sale), we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated – at no extra cost to them. Make sure they fill in the Gift Aid form in your fundraising pack or tick the correct boxes if they’re donating online.

Sending in your donations

If you’re fundraising through JustGiving, the donations will automatically come to us. If you’ve got cash to pay in, you can do this online, by phone, by bank transfer or by post.

Pay in your donations

Every three minutes someone in the UK develops dementia, and too often, families struggle to find support, leaving them feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and alone.

When you support our charity, you’re helping us grow the number of specialist dementia nurses. With your help, no one will face dementia alone.

Read Julie’s story about how Admiral Nurse Tracey was a lifeline for her and her family.

What happens if I don’t reach my fundraising target?

Don’t worry – we’ll help you get there! We’ll offer you lots of fundraising support in the run-up to the London Landmarks Half Marathon and in the days after to ensure that you achieve your minimum fundraising target, including going through your fundraising plan beforehand. The target will need to be reached by 42 days after the event, so there’s plenty of time!

Do I get a vest to wear on the day?

Yes – whether you have your own place or a charity place, just fill in the form to request your running top or vest. We’ll send it out approximately six weeks before race day.

What is a ballot place?

The ballot is a random draw that allocates places directly through the race organiser’s website. If you are successful in the ballot and pay your registration fee place to the event organisers, you’ll have your ballot place and can choose to support us by filling in the ‘I have my own place’ form.

With a successful ballot place, there is no minimum fundraising requirement – just raise as much as you can to support more families facing dementia.

What is a charity place?

A charity place is a place purchased from the event organisers by Dementia UK. If you did not apply for the ballot or were unsuccessful, you can still take part in the event with a charity place by filling in the ‘Charity place’ form above.

You will be required to pay a registration fee to help cover part of the cost that Dementia UK pays for your place. There is also a minimum fundraising requirement of £350 to ensure that we raise as much as possible so more families can access the support and advice of our specialist dementia nurses.

What is an own place?

An own place secures your general entry to the event by purchasing a place directly through the race organiser’s website. If you have your own place you can choose to support us by filling in the ‘I have my own place’ form.

With your own place, there is no minimum fundraising requirement – just raise as much as you can to support more families facing dementia.

Will Dementia UK be there on the day?

Yes! We look forward to supporting you on event day and giving you a huge boost along the route at our Dementia UK’s branded cheer point(s). We will also have a pre- and post-event meet in the event village to celebrate your incredible achievement and thank you for your support!

“Dementia UK/We/Us/Our” means Dementia UK (Registered Charity Number 1039404) of 7th floor, One Aldgate, London, EC3N 1RE. The charity that has reserved Your place in the Event.

“You/Your/Yourself” means the person agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions and who is using a Dementia UK place to take part in an Event.

“Event” means the London Landmarks Half Marathon

“Event Organiser” means the company LLHM Ltd (company number 10584979) responsible for organising the London Landmarks Half Marathon.

“Fee” means the registration fee that You are required to pay to confirm Your place in the Event.

  1. Participation
    1. You acknowledge that participation in the Event may be physically demanding and You are aware of the nature of the Event and associated medical and physical risks involved.
    2. You agree that you are physically capable of taking part in the Event and agree to be solely responsible for your actions and save as provided elsewhere in these terms and conditions. Dementia UK are not responsible for any injury or illness that You may suffer as a result of Your participation in the Event.
    3. The minimum age of entry is 17 years at the date of the event.
    4. You have read, agree to and accept the Event Organiser’s General Conditions of Entry. To the extent there is any conflict with these terms and conditions, the terms of the General Conditions of Entry shall prevail.
  2. Bookings, Payments and Your obligations
    1. You shall complete the Dementia UK Application Form. On successful application You will submit payment of the Entry Fee of £30.00. You may also be required to register Your place on the Event directly with the Event Organiser.
    2. You shall not be eligible or entitled to participate in the Event and no binding contract shall exist between You and Us until We have provided You with written confirmation that the application was successful and full payment of the Entry Fee has been received.
    3. In order to take part in the Event, you pledge to raise £350 excluding Gift Aid. You agree to pay all sponsorship monies to Dementia UK within 42 days of the date of Event.
    4. You also agree to:
      1. Notify Us immediately and within 7 days of an event or incident that results in you being unable to take part in the event (whether medical or otherwise).
      2. Comply with any rules or regulation relating to the Event as We or the Event Organiser may notify You of from time to time
      3. Follow all instructions given to Us, the Event Organiser and any of Our or the Event Organiser’s agents, employees or workers, or any referees, stewards or other event officials in respect of the Event.
  3. Withdrawal, Cancellations or Alterations
    1. The Fee is non-refundable and non-transferable to other persons or event year under any circumstances save that We may in our discretion refund the Fee in limited circumstances such as:
      1. The Event is cancelled by the Event Organiser provided that We receive a refund on sums We paid to the Event Organiser for the relevant places in the Event;
      2. Any other circumstances in which, in the opinion of Dementia UK, it would be reasonable to provide a refund. The decision of Dementia UK on this matter is final.
    2. You acknowledge that Dementia UK places are limited, and payment of the Fee and reservation of the place affects expenditure of Dementia UK and charity income for the Event. Notice of withdrawal from the Event must be communicated by emailing, or by writing to Community and Events Fundraising, Dementia UK, 7th Floor, One Aldgate, London, EC3N 1RE within 7 days of an event or incident that results in you being unable to take part in the event
    3. If you have purchased a charity place with Dementia UK but need to withdraw from the sporting event, Dementia UK cannot guarantee you a deferral to the following event year. All deferral requests must be communicated in writing by emailing and it will be at the discretion of Dementia UK if you are successful as per our deferral policy.
      1. All successful deferral applicants will not be refunded their Fee, however their fundraising can be transferred to their new event date. All deferral applicants will need to repay their Fee for their new event date. Please be aware the cost of the Fee may increase and you are obliged to pay the updated Fee cost.
    4. Your place in the Event is personal to You and You may not transfer it or any of Your other rights or obligations to any other person without our prior written consent and provided that the Event Organiser consents to such transfer.
    5. Places on the Event are strictly limited and are subject to availability. We may refuse entry to remove or exclude or cancel Your place in the Event if:
      1. We consider that your participation in the Event will bring the Event, the Event Organiser or Dementia UK into disrepute or otherwise damage the reputation of Dementia UK, the Event or the Event Organiser
      2. The Event Organiser refuses entry at any time.
  4. Publicity and Results
    1. You understand that Dementia UK may take photograph and video images of you on the day of the Event. You hereby agree that Dementia UK may use any such images to promote Dementia UK, its charitable aims, the Event and future events, whether on its website or in publicity material (both electronic and hardcopy) or on websites and publicity material of third parties. Dementia UK owns all rights in any images and publicity material created by Dementia UK and you shall obtain no rights in relation to the same.
  5. Data Protection
    1. By entering into this agreement, You agree that any personal information provided by You or collected about You in connection with the Event may be held and used by Us in relation to the Event.
    2. You also agree that the personal information provided by You may be shared with:
      1. The Event Organiser who may use it in connection with the organisation and/or administration of the Event or for other reasons associated with the Event.
      2. and in the case of the Event Organiser, we may share the personal information before we have determined whether Your application has been successful.
    3. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with our privacy notice.
    4. You agree to inform Dementia UK of any changes to the information supplied in Your original application as soon as such changes occur.
    5. We will be the data controller of the information which You provide Us or which we obtain in relation to the Event and the Event Organiser will be an independent data controller of any information which We pass on to them pursuant to clause 5.2.
Kones, who ran the London Landmarks Half Marathon for Dementia UK

"I loved every second of it. Felt more of an event and a celebration -with all the supporters, dancers, choirs, and cheerleaders! It was amazing seeing it all! I have to say a massive thank you to the Dementia UK Support that came out to cheer us on, it was a massive help!"

Kones, who ran the London Landmarks Half Marathon for Dementia UK