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close up of someone's hands while they knit

November Knitting Challenge

Love to knit? Or looking to try something new? This challenge is for you! Knit for 30 minutes a day in November and raise vital funds for families living with dementia.

Donate now

Our November Knitting Challenge is over for 2023 but registrations for the 2024 event will open in the autumn. In the meantime take a look at some of the other events you could take part in.

How do I sign up?

  1. Join our November Knitting Challenge Facebook Group.
  2. Request your free Dementia UK tote bag (you can do this in the Facebook Group).
  3. Set up your Facebook fundraiser or JustGiving page and spread the word about your crafty challenge.

Every row you knit and pound you raise will help ensure that no one has to face dementia alone.

Once you’ve completed the challenge, we’ll send you a virtual medal and certificate to thank you for your hard work and dedication.

We can’t wait to welcome you to #TeamDementiaUK!


We have tried to answer all your commonly asked questions below. If you can’t find the information you are looking for, please email

I’ve just signed up – now what?

The next step is to join the November Knitting Challenge Facebook Group. Once you’re in, you can register for your free tote bag, set up your fundraiser, meet your fellow knitters and find out anything else you’d like to know about the challenge.

Please can I have more information on the challenge?

We are challenging you to knit for 30 minutes a day in November. Get your knitting needles out and take on the ultimate crafting challenge for families facing dementia.

From beginner to pro, everyone is welcome, so challenge yourself to set aside some time each day to knit some amazing creations. Whether you sell your items for Dementia UK or ask family and friends to sponsor you for taking on 30 days of knitting, your fundraising will help our specialist dementia nurses offer a lifeline to more families when they need it most.

How do I fundraise?

Creating a Facebook fundraiser is the quickest and easiest way to raise money. Once you’re logged into Facebook, you can set one up in a few seconds.

Want to create a JustGiving page instead? Sign up or log in to your account and create your November Knitting Challenge JustGiving fundraiser.

Once you have created your fundraising page, be sure to share it with your family and friends via social media, text, email and WhatsApp.

Is there a registration fee?

Taking part in the November Knitting Challenge for Dementia UK is free!

Is there a fundraising target? 

There is no fundraising target for this challenge – we just ask you to raise as much as you can for families affected by dementia.

How can I send in sponsorship money I’ve collected offline? 

The easiest way to send cash donations to Dementia UK is by donating to your online fundraising page. Alternatively, you can:

  • Donate via our website
  • Send in a cheque made payable to Dementia UK. Enclose a note including your full name, the email address that you used to register for your tote bag, and an explanation that you raised the money for the November Knitting Challenge. Post it to us at:

Dementia UK

7th Floor

One Aldgate



  • Make a bank transfer: please email  for our bank details
  • Make a payment over the phone by calling 0300 365 5500

Can I raise money without setting up an online fundraising page?

You certainly can. We’ll send you a sponsorship form with your tote bag, but if you need more than one form, simply download and print more copies.

Please ask your sponsors to fill out all the columns so we can claim up to 25% Gift Aid.

Where do donations to my Facebook fundraiser or JustGiving page go? 

All donations made to your fundraiser will be sent directly to Dementia UK by Facebook and JustGiving. These vital donations will help support families facing dementia.

What if I set up two Facebook fundraisers by mistake?

If you have started two Facebook fundraisers, don’t worry: you can check and edit them when you are logged into Facebook. You can then close the one you no longer need, which will focus your fundraising onto one page.

What happens if donations don’t appear on my Facebook fundraiser straight away?

Normally, if donations don’t appear on your fundraising page immediately, they will within 48 hours. However, if your donation hasn’t appeared after this time there are a few different possibilities:

  • Donations from other countries can take a lot longer to come through to Facebook and then to Dementia UK. This could take as long as several weeks
  • The donation didn’t go through. Please ask your donor to check if the money has left their account
  • PayPal takes up to three days to register to your Facebook fundraiser
  • Your sponsor didn’t donate to your fundraising page, but instead clicked the ‘donate now’ button which links directly to Dementia UK. Ask your sponsor to check the receipt they were emailed directly from Facebook – this will say whether they donated to your Facebook fundraiser, or straight to Dementia UK

If the problem persists, please email so we can investigate further.

How do I get my free tote bag?

Visit our Facebook Group and fill in our registration form with your details. It may take up to two weeks for your tote bag and fundraising pack to arrive, so we appreciate your patience.

I still haven’t received my tote bag – where is it?

We’re sorry to hear you haven’t received your tote bag yet. If you have waited two weeks since completing the registration form, please email and we will investigate.

Can I get more than one tote bag for the challenge?

We send out one tote bag per participant. If you would like to buy some additional Dementia UK branded items, please visit our shop.

What should I knit?

Anything you want! Knit something you love, tackle a new pattern, or get a head start and knit some festive gifts for your friends and family. No matter what you knit, you’ll be making a big difference to families affected by dementia.

How do I record my November Knitting Challenge?

This is your challenge, so you can decide how you would like to keep track of it. You will receive our handy tracker with your tote bag, which is a great way to tick off the days. Just be sure to keep your sponsors posted on how you’re getting on with the challenge.

Can I start early or late?

Of course! Our Facebook Group is active in November, when the majority of people are likely to take part, but you can do this challenge whenever it is best for you. The more November Knitting Challenge participants we have, the more families can receive the life-changing support of our specialist dementia nurses.

Can I do more or less than 30 days, or more or less than 30 minutes a day?

Absolutely. This is your challenge, and you can tailor it to suit you. Just be clear with your supporters about how many days you are intending to knit for, and how long you plan to knit each day. Keep them updated regularly with your progress.

What if I don’t complete the challenge?

The only thing that matters is that you challenge yourself and enjoy raising awareness and funds so our dementia specialist Admiral Nurses can support families. Do as much as you can. Update your sponsors regularly, be clear about how far you’ve come in your challenge, and make sure they are still happy to donate to Dementia UK.

Can I do another craft instead?

Absolutely! Whilst the majority of participants will be knitting, others choose to crochet, sew or get creative in other ways!

I lost my mum just before Christmas last year – she was a great knitter. I really missed Mum sitting by my side whilst I knitted but I am so glad that the November Knitting Challenge rekindled my love of knitting. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to get back into knitting and remember all the stitches.

Dawn, who took on the challenge in 2022